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Ashtanga26 (45min)

Ashtanga 26 is a regular practice through 26 separate poses from the Ashtanga Primary series.

45 min
9 British pounds
South Harbour Street

Service Description

Ashtanga 26 is a regular practice through 26 separate poses from the Ashtanga Primary series. We repeat the routine weekly and build a knowledge of our discipline and development over each 45 minute practice This style of practice invites you to focus on posture to enhance meditation in practice, and to encourage self observation through concentration. In the moment we can breathe together, focus, move, then find a still point, and hold…. Giving space to grow a new strength in asana. Come and join in. Come and practice.

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Due to limited space in the classes, we run with 6 hour cancelation policy. If you cancel in this time you will not receive a refund.

Contact Details

  • Churchill Tower, South Harbour Street, Ayr, UK

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